"Sketches of Western African"

"Sketches of Western African"

"Sketches of Western African"

"Sketches of Western African" -- April 27, May 3 and May 4, 1819 issues of Poulsons' American Daily Advertiser (Philadelphia) with the series of articles taken directly "from the Journal of Rev. Samuel J. Mills, one of the agents of the American Colonization Society deputed to explore the Western coast of Africa with the view to the establishment of a colony of free people of color from the United States...There is no doubt left in the minds of those acquainted with the circumstances of the recent missions to Africa, as to the practicability of the contemplated plan, and that much less expense than had been anticipated. A unanimous and cordial cooperation with the Society in the advancement of its magnificent design by the community at large, appears now to be the only desideratum in order to a complete and glorious success."    Very intriguing three-part series, with a lot of information about Gambia, Sierra Leone, Senegal, Sherbro Island, York Island, Bondou, Plantain Islands, and other parts of West African.

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