Boston Recorder

Boston Recorder

Boston Recorder

Boston Recorder (April 14, 1821) -- Liberia Mission. "Lott Carey, and Collin Teague, two colored men, preachers, with their families, sailed from Norfolk in January last, in the brig Nautilus with their Bibles, and utensils for necessary labor. The Baptist Board supplied them with many articles of convenience and comfort, and provisions were supplied by government."

February 19, 1829 newspaper, Boston Recorder, with article about the death of African American missionary, Lott Carey. Title of Article: News From Liberia. "We learn from a vessel arrived in port yesterday from Liberia, (the American colony on the coast of Africa,) that a French vessel being cruising off that place in quest of slaves, the authorities were making preparation to attack her, & in preparing cartridges for that purpose, fire accidentally communicated to the ammunition, which exploded. The Gov. (Lott Carey) with several principal men of the place were killed, & most of the town was destroyed." -- Another Bristol (England) paper of the same day gives the account thus: "On the 18th Nov. last, an expedition was preparing by the American settlers at that place, to destroy a French slave ship and factory at Digby, a place abut 30 miles distant. when, during the night, the magazine in which they were making cartridges, blew up, and horrible to relate, Mr Lott Carey, the Governor, and nine of his people were destroyed...Lott Carey was a worthy and useful Baptist preacher, himself a colored man; and when the lamented Ashmun returned to this country, he left the colony in charge of Carey, as acting Governor. Dr Randall has gone out to succeed Ashmun; but he could not have arrived at the time of the disaster."-- BACKGROUND ON LOTT CAREY: Carey was a pioneer missionary to Africa. Born a slave in Virginia, he was converted to Christianity while working in Richmond. He purchased his freedom, became first a lay exhorter and then a licensed Baptist preacher. He went to Liberia in the 1820s as one of the first American missionaries to that continent and one of the founders of that nation.
-- Boston Recorder (December 16, 1829) -- Long article on the Mission to Africa, "..proceeded to present a brief outline of the facts respecting the Colony in Liberia. Its original design under the patronage of the American Colonization Society was to locate a settlement of free blacks from the United States, who should be assisted in establishing a civil government of their own choice, and whose influence should be extended to counteract and destroy the odious traffic in slaves. It was commenced about ten years since, and although a considerable loss of life has been sustained by those who have emigrated from our shores, it has been far less than the mortality in our other new colonies, and much less than took place in the settlements in our own country, at James Town in Virginia, and at Plymouth in Massachusetts. It was in reference to the Colony in Africa that the lamented young man, Samuel J. Mills, lost his life about eleven years since; and to him, as having originated this mission, is the Christian world much indebted. Amongth (sic) those who fell a sacrifice in this enterprise was the amiable and judicious Ashmun, who in giving life and form & system to the polity of Liberia, has left an imperishable name. His successor, after a short career, has also deceased. It is, however, hoped, said Mr. Evarts, that by avoiding the same customs, and exposure to the climate, which the  lessons of experience had taught to be hazardous, the lives of future emigrants may be prolonged..."
--  Background on Jehudi Ashmun was an American agent who headed the Liberian colony from 1822-1828. Jehudi was a native of Champlain, New York. His wife died shortly after their arrival in Monrovia in 1822; and he died on August 25, 1828, at the age of 35, and was buried in New Haven, Connecticut. It was the African "fever", malaria or yellow fever that killed Ashmun and his wife.

-- August 22, 1829 newspaper, Philadelphia Recorder, with article about Aiding the Colonization Cause in Liberia, to Prepare and Circulate Tracts among the Free Colored Population, Showing the Advantages of Emigration; -- and that such a Measure Might Result in:
1. Increasing the numbers of those desirous to emigrate, and from whom the most worthy and promising might be selected.
2. Inducing the few who have property to emigrate at their own expense, and others to acquire property for that purpose.
3. The moral effect of placing before their minds the prospect of wealth and respectability, for themselves and their children, to be obtained by virtue and intelligence.
Tracts on this subject are needed, because of those who can read, ever read newspapers; because tracts might be so written, as to be peculiarly adapted to their character and condition."

-- "Sketches of Western African" -- April 27, May 3 and May 4, 1819 issues of Poulsons' American Daily Advertiser (Philadelphia) with the series of articles taken directly "from the Journal of Rev. Samuel J. Mills, one of the agents of the American Colonization Society deputed to explore the Western coast of Africa with the view to the establishment of a colony of free people of color from the United States...There is no doubt left in the minds of those acquainted with the circumstances of the recent missions to Africa, as to the practicability of the contemplated plan, and that much less expense than had been anticipated. A unanimous and cordial cooperation with the Society in the advancement of its magnificent design by the community at large, appears now to be the only desideratum in order to a complete and glorious success."    Very intriguing three-part series, with a lot of information about Gambia, Sierra Leone, Senegal, Sherbro Island, York Island, Bondou, Plantain Islands, and other parts of West African.

-- Hardbound Volume IV of  American Quarterly Review (September and December, 1828). This 546 page book contains reviews of historical, scientific, and travel literature published by Carey, Lea & Carey, Chesnut Street, Philadelphia; 546 pages. Thirty-one of those pages are dedicated to reviewing "The Eleventh Annual Report of the American Society for Colonizing the Free People of Colour of the United States, With an Appendix, Washington, 1828."

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